sacred journey testimonies
“My experience with this ceremony has been incredible. With Sara’s guidance, I prepared by journaling and being mindful of what I consumed, both physically and mentally. This practice helped me clarify my intentions for the event; to heal both physically and mentally, to let go of past trauma, and to remove energy blockages from my body. During my preparation, I observed a transformation in my energy as I focused on feelings of gratitude. I began to recognize new possibilities and felt appreciation for all the experiences that brought me to this moment. When I entered the room and met Sara in person, I instantly connected with her energy. I felt immense gratitude to be in the room and I completely surrendered to the experience.
The ceremony itself was a beautiful spiritual journey that I highly recommend. Although it was my first time, it felt surprisingly familiar and safe; as cliché as it may sound, I felt like I was exactly where I needed to be. The most important insight I gained from the ceremony was a shift in perspective on several aspects of my life, particularly the health challenges I’ve encountered this year. It reminded me that practicing daily rituals centered on gratitude can truly transform my energy and frequency. I am more in tune with my body and surroundings, trusting my intuition.
With this newfound outlook, new doors have started to open, and the universe unveiled opportunities I had been seeking for quite some time. It feels magical!”
“My very first ceremony experience with this amazing human and beautiful woman named Sara Krish was this past October 2024. I had no idea what to expect, but I knew that I would be in a safe space as I completely trusted Sara. Needless to say my experience was an incredible one! I felt a glorious release that made me feel lighter in my spirit than I had felt in many years. I held my sadness and sat with it for so long, because I didn’t know how to give it up. I went into ceremony, hoping to find a deeper understanding of myself and discover a path toward deeper healing. I needed to release the sadness that had been weighing heavy on my soul, and I wanted to receive spiritual cleansing. My sacred journey presented me with the greatest joy and sadness at the same time. Beyond this explanation it is hard for me to describe how it felt for me.
I would recommend for anyone feeling stuck with their emotions or confusion about their path or place in this life to participate in plant medicine ceremony with Sara. It certainly did take me to a place of better clarity and it diminished a great deal of my sadness. For weeks following ceremony, I could feel the medicine continue its magic. I still have things to work out of course, and I will participate in ceremony again. Ceremony can be a positive and healthy way to achieve mental wellness and with Sara as your facilitator, there is nothing to fear! There is only the promise of finding your way through the darkness and into the light.”
“I attended my very first ceremony with Sara about 3 weeks ago. I felt incredibly safe and held by Sara’s comforting energy. The room was a loving, warm space. I had several profound experiences during ceremony, but I would like to share my incredible physical healing experience.
Before the ceremony, I had been dealing with chronic stomach pain and uncomfortable bloating in my right abdomen for about 6 months. The pain would range from a dull 2 to sometimes a 9 during flare ups. I tried many things from diet changes, colonics, fasting, castor oil packs, and even an ultrasound. I could not figure out what was causing the pain. I was told it was likely just IBS. Dealing with chronic stomach pain disrupted my mood, my focus, and the constant bloating made me feel uncomfortable in my own body.
During the ceremony, I was shown the exact location of my pain inside of my body. It was almost as if I was looking at an MRI inside of my stomach. The location of the pain was surrounded by heat and light the entire ceremony. I asked every ancestor and spirit that I encountered during ceremony why I was feeling this pain. I asked them to please give me an obvious sign the next day so that I would know why I was experiencing this pain. I came home and shared my experience with my husband and I told him that I would be on the lookout for a sign the following day.
The following day, we woke up and went for a long walk outside. After the walk, I started feeling very ill. I experienced painful, detox symptoms that lasted for about 5 minutes. After the detox healing crisis was over, the pain in my right abdomen was gone. The bloating was completely gone. I then felt exhausted because I believe years of heaviness and emotional blocks literally moved OUT of my body. It has been almost 3 weeks and I have had no stomach pain. No more bloating. My digestion is perfect. I feel confident in my body again. I 100% believe that I was able to process a lot of heavy emotions and trauma during the ceremony. I believe I had an emotional block that manifested as a physical block and pain in my body. During the ceremony, I was given the space and freedom to process the emotions and release them. I feel like a new human. I am so grateful to feel HEALTHY and free!
Thank you Sara for holding space for me during this ceremony. I am so deeply grateful for you and that work that you do!”
“I want to thank you again for the incredible experience I had at the celebration ceremony on August 17th. As I was lying there super relaxed and comfortable I thought okay this is probably ending soon when out of nowhere my Dad yelled “You need to forgive me!” Then my right eye started pouring. I chatted with my Dad (who has been in spirit land since 2015) and told him why I was so disappointed in him and his behavior while on earth. He acknowledged that he messed up and apologized. After a bit, my left eye joined in with tons of tears. While we were talking, I thought that Sara had come around and elevated my right wrist as well as lightly clamped it down. I couldn’t lift that wrist up at all. My Dad kept holding on saying to me, “No, we aren’t done yet.” He said this several times while my right hand wouldn’t move. I told my Dad that I would move forward with focusing only on what he did do right as a Father to me.
I needed this so badly and didn’t ever realize. This has blocked me from truly trusting. I am still needing work on this, but this experience was truly liberating and I am sharing it with anyone who will listen.
Thank you Sara. You are an amazing soul and teacher. I can’t wait to do this again.”
“I went into the ceremony not knowing what to expect. I didn’t know much about the experience and approached it with an open mind. At the time, I was dealing with complications from knee surgery and was in the process of looking for a job.
After going through my journey guided by Sara, I came out revitalized and filled with what seemed like an unlimited amount of energy. I felt like my brain was rewired, allowing me to escape my negative thinking. With this new mindset, and after months of applying and interviewing for jobs, I landed a position at my top company choice and secured my dream job.
I am very thankful for the experience I went through and would recommend it to others who are open to change.”
“After a year and a half of struggling to find purpose in my career, I was introduced to Sara’s healing mushroom cacao ceremony at a time where I felt ready and eager to take a leap of faith in my career and life. I had spent a year and half at my job in a less than ideal environment. I lacked purpose and often felt stagnant yet I did not feel equipped to make a change in my environment. Then in January 2024 I realized I needed to be the catalyst of change in my life. They say change has to start from within and for me that meant getting outside of my comfort zone. Investing in my personal growth and self-improvement has always been a priority for me so when I heard of the healing mushroom cacao ceremony I was intrigued and knew this was something worth looking into.
After expressing interest in the ceremony, Sara set up an intention call for us to discuss the purpose of the ceremony. I have always admired Sara and her ability to radiate positivity into her community so I fully trusted the process and welcomed Sara’s guidance. My intention going into the ceremony was to gain clarity in my career. Specifically, I wanted to uncover my purpose to find out what I want in my career and also what was causing me anxiety in my career. After our intention call, I felt empowered and ready to open my mind and my heart to new beginnings and change.
The ceremony itself was filled with positivity, overwhelming support, and free of any judgment. I left the ceremony with a deeper understanding of the root cause of my anxieties. This deeper understanding allowed me to better recognize and address why I was feeling lost in my career and what I could do in my power to build a career that closely aligns with my values. The ceremony allowed me to let go of my fear of the uncertainty as I was going through a transition in my life.
Two weeks after the ceremony, the magic of the plant medicine and power of ceremony continued to unravel in abundance. I got two amazing job offers that closely aligned with my passions and in the direction that I envisioned for my career. I believe these opportunities opened up for me because I finally allowed myself to take risks and trusted my intuition without fear or hesitation. I am the captain of my own ship and I trust the direction that I’m going in. I highly recommend anyone going through a transitional period in their lives to open their minds and hearts to participate in this healing ceremony. I am so grateful for this community Sara has cultivated and hope others are inspired in their own journeys!”
“Last night was one of THE most incredible, transformative, introspective experiences of my life. Words cannot express the healing that occurred and the deep connection I feel to my true self. There is an inexplicable clarity with an extreme feeling of optimism. My brain is on fire in an amazing way. I haven’t woken up this inspired and excited for my life in a long time! I’m so thankful and grateful for the experience and journey with YOU! Your guided meditation, cacao concoction and playlist made it! I am confident the experience was what it was because of YOU! Thank you so much for everything! You are a gift to this earth!”
“Thank you for the wonderful experience last night. Notes and inspiration are pouring out of me this morning. I’ve consciously known my purpose for some time but have been looking for a way to come to terms with it and own it, and last night I gained some clarity to work with.
Thank you for everything you do. Each person helped strengthens and heals the collective whole.”
“What I experienced in ceremony and post ceremony integration with Sara has been deeply transformational. I have been lifted out of my depression and my anxiety feels to be eliminated completely. Our sit with mushroom medicine allowed deep seeded trauma to rise along with pains and hurts I’ve carried for a lifetime. I was guided to let go. It has been three weeks since my heroic dose and I feel lighter, renewed, and refreshed. I am grateful for this medicine and the safe container Sara provides.”
“Ceremony was truly a life changing, transformative experience. I feel like it was a 33 year therapy session packed into one night. I was able to release so much shame, anger, guilt and sadness, and I feel like I love myself for the first time. ”
“I have explored different types of therapy and self development tools and haven’t been able to access the root of what’s holding me back. Sara’s ceremony made me clearly see myself and my current circumstances in a way that has allowed me to move forward peacefully. My subconscious was accessed and I was able to see the thoughts and beliefs that are holding me back and gain clarity on what’s needed. Stepping back into my day to day after her ceremony has brought a new level of confidence in who I am and the decisions I need to make to feel fulfilled.
Thank you, Sara! You created a safe space and journey to explore me. Nothing else has brought this much clarity, I am truly grateful.”
“Thank you for offering such a unique experience. Never have I consumed mushrooms and laid still with my thoughts - it’s always been a focus on the outside world (surroundings/objects/people).
I grew up in an alcoholic home and have spent the last 10 years in Al-Anon working through the trauma/disfunction. I’m now a mother of two and attended the event with my husband. It was incredible to look at my past and just see a beautiful garden with so much growing from my roots. (I think bc you said we were walking in a forest) When you told us to start digging and creating movement and loosening energy I cried seeing the birth of my first child (it was traumatic/C-section last minute) and really let go of it. She’s 6.5 years old now.
Lastly I was attending with my husband and we both couldn’t stop thinking about our life together, the beauty, the joy, the inside jokes and admiration for the family we’ve created. It left us feeling very connected emotionally/mentally which we’ve been missing. So in short (but real long!) THANK YOU! Still on a high, but not literally!”
“Thank you so much for last night Sara! It was only my second time experiencing this beautiful medicine and I left in awe of what it was capable of doing. It held my hand and allowed me to connect to my young children’s souls to hear what they need from me now. It also reconnected me to my birth and recreated it for me in such a magical and powerful way. Thank you for holding us in such a loving and supportive ceremony.”
“I just love this plant. Ceremony feels like coming home to something familiar that I have always known. Like FINALLY participating in the world properly. Connected to life (forms) in a way that I have always felt at play but that have been just beyond my ability to accept or process at my level of consciousness. I am not sure how to explain it with words...
Ceremony feels like participating with a presence - a facilitator if you will - that is so loving and safe but also honest and unreserved. It’s like a missing ingredient has finally been introduced to my reality, my operating system...
I find the container for the ceremony to be fantastic. I love your meditation and music. I like that the meditation is the same and the music changes. I find the episodes of speech and quotes to be completely transcendent. The experience of listening - it’s like I’ve never heard speech before and I am experiencing it for the first time but I understand everything. Also it’s like speech isn’t speech, rather it’s like a multi-dimensional experience that participates with my body cellularly. Oh my gosh - words - they really don’t suffice!
I feel this plant medicine heals or connects or elevates aspects of my being that I’ve tried to work with for YEARS through meditation, yoga and therapy. To me it feels like things have permanently upleveled, like there is a new threshold. But does this last? Is there work to be done to anchor this shift properly? It feels like it will last - like it’s part of my being whereas with therapy or meditation or yoga there is a momentary understanding or reminding but ultimately, I am still operating at the same basic level.
The day or two after ceremony feels really potent to me. Like I want to be alone - or unimposed upon if there are people around/in my space. It’s like the experience needs to settle into fertile ground and I can’t have too many things distracting or messing with that...There is a “coming down” I have noticed and if I am imposed upon, I can sense it has the potential to be a downer or a depression rather than a natural settling/integration. Is this accurate? Are there best practices for this process?
I am curious about how to participate more with this plant. I am curious about journeying with this medicine. Is there a path or structure or training? I’ve heard more and more about micro-dosing. Honestly, it feels like plant medicine and connecting with the plant dimension or expanded consciousness or whatever it is needs to be an ongoing relationship. Like I want to live more with and from this relationship with life and the world and live into its consistency. I have ALWAYS struggled with the point of being on earth. With purpose on the planet. After ceremony I have felt more clarity...less plagued by confusion, by noise. The result is sort of a “lightness of being” that feels more aligned...and with that alignment having to “be on purpose” seems less urgent because it happens more organically - from my being - in a way I couldn’t have comprehended before. I don’t want to stay in stress. It’s not as sticky for me...I also have completely lost my desire to drink alcohol or alter my state with caffeine or any other “substance.” It’s like I can’t feed the wrong wolf anymore...”
“Sara, I can’t thank you enough for Saturday’s ceremony. I am in the middle of a transformational time of my life with the end of a 7 year relationship and a realization that my career path is not for me anymore. I thought this would shed some light onto those 2 specific things, but my mind had another idea. Instead it brought up these two very dark beings (thinking this was an evil presence), but after giving each of them some love I saw a scared younger version of me come out of this dark shadow and another being that seemed to represent all of my triggers/fears in life. It felt so good to pour love into each of those. I think that was my body showing me that more self love is a key part to moving through heartbreak and this challenging time. Giving myself so much love to all the parts that are hurting. You talked about our higher selves and I definitely saw her that evening, but have seen her disappear over the following days overshadowed by my scared younger self.
I thought your message at the end of the session was very fitting for what I saw. That love is the answer to all. Thank you for sharing your talents with us. I plan on attending the next session as well!”
“From preparation to post-ceremony, Sara is the consummate spiritual guide. My husband and I attended a recent cacao + mushroom ceremony where Sara led us in movement and meditation, with a beautiful sound journey curated specifically for the ceremony. Sara’s soothing, yet energized leadership allowed us to be comfortable and supported for the journey. For us, it was the perfect entry into the discipline of meditation complimented with plant therapy. We hope to continue our journey with future ceremonies led by Sara.”
“It’s been a few weeks since my ceremony with Sara and I have taken time to process. I feel its impact can be broken down into three parts.
Part 1: I was greeted by my spiritual guide/guardian angel who wanted me to know that she is with me through this journey. She showed me ME sitting on the stump (during the guided meditation) filled with static because that is the ME that I am seeking to know. I was filled with static because I am not clear at this point in my journey to ME.
Part 2: Shifting from my pleasant experience to feeling lost, scared and alone and back to peace, signified that if I do not do the work to better myself, stay connected and grounded I will revert to those negative feelings I once felt but if I stay the course I now see what is available to me.
Part 3: Putting aside negative feelings and emotions and embracing the love and positive energy that is around me creates a rebirth.”
“Sara is one of God’s most treasured angels on earth. I believe He created her to channel His pure love and share that love to those that are most in need of a spiritual awakening. When I began Sara’s immersion 5 months ago I was in a dark place feeling spiritually bankrupt and so lost. Early on, she had me create an energetic container putting my personal desires for who I wanted to be in the center box and less desirable attributes outside the box. Today I revisited the spiritual container I created and cried tears of happiness because I realized every single hope I had written down for myself has come true in the most beautiful way! Through Sara’s powerful energy cleansing guided meditations I have been able to get rid of shame, guilt, fear and find peace within. I love and honor the woman I am today and I have Sara to forever thank for that! Sara you helped me find strength and intuition that I didn’t know I had within. Signing up for this journey is the best decision I have ever made for myself.”
“Thank you so much for your guidance on Saturday. This was a turning point for me. I had a very deep in-body experience where I was feeling blocked chakras release and connect through movement. I carry such a heavy suit of armor, it was freeing to begin to feel the load lighten. Big shifts are in process for releasing expectations, patterns, and honoring self.
In the upcoming weeks I am planning to cut down my overloaded work schedule to focus on creativity, healing, and taking down my shield. If the next ceremony continues to leave me with such impact I am considering incorporating microdosing into my routine at that point.”
“The time on Saturday was different from anything I’ve ever experienced. Stepping into the ceremony, I wasn’t in the best emotional state. I had a lot of guilt from going out the night before. Basically I drank too heavily and felt I acted in ways that didn’t align with my values. In addition, I spend most of the day on Saturday feeling lazy and sluggish and mulled in my self doubts for most of the day. I was so apprehensive coming into the ceremony after the day I had but I thought I could only go up from there! Haha. I went into the ceremony wanting a fresh start and a new beginning.
After taking the blue magnolia and while listening to your guided meditation, I found it very difficult to concentrate. My mind was no longer racing which was nice but instead these negative emotions I was carrying felt like a heavy burden. The blue magnolia was very physically stimulating for me so the weight I felt wasn’t only metaphorical but also very real. It was then I realized that this ceremony was about letting go for me. After your guided meditation, when we were sitting quietly with ourselves, it was nearly impossible for me to sit still. I felt uneasy with my emotions and also moving around just felt sooo good. I felt like stretching my body would fill all my cracks and crevices with medicine until my insides were fully encased in a warm, welcoming, safe liquid. It was truly wonderful.
Because the experience felt very intense physically, I found it a little difficult to articulate my experience in words afterwards but I certainly was looking forward to recounting it later. Also, it was crazy that as soon as I saw my friend crying the tears just flowed so heavily for me. That was my tipping point that I felt like I was actually able to let everything go. Overall, the whole experience felt so good and I walked away feeling like that was exactly what I needed in that moment and it was so incredibly healing. I can’t wait to see you again!!!!!!!”
“Blue Magnolia took me on such a beautiful journey and continued to the rest of the evening, feeling the effects trickle into my Sunday morning. I love how different the medicine works each time, always taking me exactly where I need to be, or showing me what it needs to. Each journey I have done with you has had its own message or healing but the common voice that came to me each time has been to lead and serve. I know in my heart that’s true and something I have felt since I was a child.”
“Labels are thrown around in our society and with this means labeling people and the natural struggles that come with life. Especially in the mental health world once one is labeled as having depression, anxiety, or bipolar that seems like a stamp that is stuck with them for life. But that’s the thing … it’s not, and Sara has shown me this.
In high school I severely struggled with my mental health. Not only disappointing my loved ones but myself. I was put into an intensive outpatient program along with trying a cocktail of medications until we found the one medication that “worked”.
Although I was doing better going into my freshman year of college, I was still not myself. I was still dishonoring my soul. I still felt like I was fighting demons inside and I truly believed I would be fighting them for the rest of my life. That’s the thing though, once I started believing I’m not broken and I don’t have to be broken forever, my mindset changed. This shift would not have been possible without Sara.
Being broken is not a trait, and I have realized my mental health struggle was simply one battle that my soul won in this lifetime. I live my life around the basis of taking care of my mind, body, and soul; it was not until recently that I felt the true effect of my inner work. The overwhelming emotions I have been feeling recently confused me until I had my weekly call with Sara a few days ago. My soul has been awakened in its truest, highest frequency and I am proud to say I now go through my days with pride in who I am and how I see the world.
Sara has shown me that my belief in the spiritual world is true. The power within living at your highest self has given me confidence. I now realize that it is okay to see the world differently than most of the people around me. It is my reaction to the actions around me that counts; Sara has helped me realize that radiating at my highest self is beautiful and I have realized my main purpose is to spread love and happiness towards all living things in this world. As Sara said to me, “earth is for fun”. Our world is a place for our souls to explore within our homes we call our human bodies, so I now see the importance in nourishing and honoring my body and soul.
With all of this being said, I thank Sara for guiding me through and introducing me to the depths of the spiritual world. It makes life how it should be: simple and amazing. I feel empowered and finally feel free.”
“I just want to take a moment to share my experience with your guided meditations/ceremonies. Let me tell you that I’ve never done these types of gatherings and quite hesitant to even delve in. After some discussions with friends along with your patience answering my questions, I felt called and knew I’d be in a safe space to explore what you had to offer.
My first time experience with you and Jamie was quite amazing, but this past Saturday’s gathering at Prim was another experience all together. I’ve always had structure in my life, what to do, how to work, how to present myself to others and the constant pushing (to be more, to do more) takes a toll. I knew there was more and that I had to explore it outside of the constructs of my “beliefs”, my framework on what I think constitutes a meaningful, fulfilling life. The elusive search for the “why”, as I realize that to become a better person of understanding, empathy and love, I need to remove these structures.
This past Saturday gave me a glimpse of that, a way to become “better” for me. To be a better father, son, brother, and friend. To leave peace with others and be truly grateful for my blessings. I am truly blessed and cannot thank you enough as this was not an easy step to take but albeit necessary. I look forward to future journeys with you.”
“Before I was introduced to Sara I was lost. I was so uncertain as to what I was feeling but at the same time so overwhelmed by it. I thought that I was completely alone in this feeling and almost as if there was something wrong with me… and then I found Sara. I have so much love for this woman and cannot even express how greatly she has impacted my life. She introduced me to an entire world that I was so unaware of.
In today’s society, the idea of spirituality is something that so few people are naturally exposed to. We have been taught the steps in order to succeed in this economic world, but have never truly been shown how to stay mentally stable throughout the process nor the idea of life outside of this system. There is so much more to this life than what we are seeing. Sara has introduced me to this safe space and has brought an enormous amount of comfort with it. She feels like a true bestfriend to me. I say this with 100% certainty when I say that she is the most special human I have ever had the privilege to be involved with. And her practice is just as special.
If you are feeling alone, confused, burnt out… whatever you may be feeling Sara is there to guide you through it all. I first began this journey with Sara almost a year ago and then got so wrapped up in this busy life that I gave in and lost touch with her. About a month ago, I noticed the same feelings returning and noticed something was missing. That something was Sara. I can now say that I am in such a better place now than I was a month ago. Have trust in the process and give into her tools. She changed my life and she will change yours too.”
“Thank you for leading such a beautiful ceremony on Saturday. From the two I have attended I feel such a shift — I have been able to see the things that were weighing me down from a new perspective. I’m feeling so much lighter and there is more space for my heart to open. Thank you for your guidance.”
“Sara guided me back to my true self. I believe we all need help or reminders to bring us back to our true state. She helped me tap into my inner wisdom and achieve a sense of calm, clarity, and abundance. After only 30 mins I felt centered and ready to re-enter the chaos of this modern world. I had previously felt lost and drained. Sara helped me recalibrate, release what was holding me back and replenish with love, light and all that I desire. Words cannot describe how grateful I am.”
“After the meditation, I feel different in my skin. I’m thinking about things differently. I have more grace for myself. Things that were obscure, clicked into focus for me. I attended your gathering with my bf and we noticed that our connection to each other is stronger after the meditation.
You are a gifted leader and so generous in your teaching.”
“When I met Sara I felt as though I had a black hole in my soul that was starting to take over my entire body even though I considered myself spiritually knowledgeable. Every single conversation we had I got one step closer to becoming the person I knew I was but didn’t know how to reach. Sara showed me a new way of living and brought new perspectives into my life but still allowed me to be who I am without judgement. She saw all of me which doesn’t seem so terrifying now. You can instantly feel the powerful yet vulnerable energy she is sharing. And for that I will be forever grateful.”
“It has been a wonderful pleasure to have connected with Sara over this past year! Through both her inspired meditations and free flowing podcasts, she takes you on an intrepid soul journey that is both highly personal and universal.
Her unique method of integrating energy work, intuitive healing, body visualization, and mindfulness, has amplified my own capacity to see and interact with Source, which frankly I have neglected to do for quite some time! In fact, over the past several years, I had been numbingly caught up in simply operating/existing within the day-to-day routine and had truly forgotten about my superpowers and purpose.
I recognize now from time spent with Sara that the “Return to Home” is also a powerful central theme that resonates profoundly within my higher consciousness. Additionally, the true discipline also requires a flowing in the Eternity of the Present and making the big choice to remain AWAKE – I am definitely a work in progress!
On behalf of the many souls you have inspired, please accept our gratitude for everything you do and the committed path that you have chosen to guide others towards their Truth.”
“I have referred to Sara in many ways throughout the year: Life Whisperer, Godsend, amazing, Angel in Disguise, Brain Reorganizer, The Listener. The impact she has made on my life as a woman, a mother, a wife has been greater that I ever imagined possible. She has showed me things about myself I didn’t know existed, the most important being that I have all the answers within me.
I continue to hear her guide me daily in my heart and in my mind. Her teachings will have a place within me for a lifetime.”
“Six months ago my life flipped upside down leaving me at the lowest point I have ever experienced in my life. The relationship I was planning to take to the next level ended abruptly. The career I had worked so hard to obtain kept meeting me with rejection letters. The house I knew, the neighborhood, the dreams I had, all seemed to vanish in the blink of an eye. What made this all worse? It all happened during the holidays. I found myself back at my mom’s house sleeping on a couch with my dog.
The level of heartbreak and feelings of failure hit me like never before. I couldn’t even look at myself in the mirror with an ounce of love. I hit the point of searching desperately for something to help me find myself because I truly felt that if I didn’t, I couldn’t go on any longer. Not like that.
In mid January I found myself taking yoga classes at a friend’s studio, and this is where everything started to change. I was introduced to the one and only, Sara Krish. After introducing myself and talking for a bit, Sara invited me to join her for a healing session. I will admit meditation, energy work, and self love were foreign concepts to me, so I was a bit skeptical. Little did I know, Sara and her work was about to become one of the main factors that saved me.
I decided to commit myself to working with her for 6 months. For the first time in forever, I decided to invest in myself. I wanted to look inward and meet all past and present traumas head on and really get to know who I am beyond that.
Through her guided meditations I have learned to let go of what not longer serves me. These sessions leave me feeling happier and lighter every single time. I have been able to work through past traumas regarding domestic violence, substance abuse of family members, and learning to let go of what brings about nothing but negative energy. I’m also able to hear my highest Self now and allow that to guide and comfort me.
The conversations, journaling, daily invitations, and meditations have shown me incredible new ways of thinking. I see everything so much more clearly now. For years I have struggled with being comfortable with who I truly am. I was always trying to please those around me, but that way of living didn’t allow me to fully be.
The work Sara does dives so deeply into your soul, but she dives in right alongside you. Never have I ever felt more accepted, heard, and supported in my entire life. Our work together has truly helped me forgive what’s needed to be forgiven. It has helped me find the confidence that I lost in myself so very long ago. For the first time in forever, I was able to look at myself in the mirror and truly LOVE who I see. It truly blows my mind where I was and where I currently am. Working on yourself is the best thing you could possibly do and there is no one I would have rather taken this journey with.”
“I had tears rolling down my face during our first meditation. It was life changing. Sara’s energy is truly beautiful. I can feel it through every message. Her divine words helped me connect to my soul after a long time! I am in awe. She has ascended to a place I aspire to be. She has indeed found her purpose.”
“I was very hesitant to open up on such a personal level about my life and what is happening inside this head of mine, but after listening to one of Sara’s podcasts I felt called to reach out. We set up my first call in which I had no idea what to expect. I went into it having an idea about what I wanted to share, but what was so amazing to me was as the call went on I ended up opening up about things I didn’t even realize were truly on my heart and weighing me down. I started exploring more about myself that I didn’t know was there. I laughed. I cried. I got vulnerable. I broke down walls, some of which I didn’t even know I had built. It was a very eye opening, mind opening, and heart opening experience that I’m very thankful I took the chance to explore.”
“Sara helped to clear my throat chakra. I know it’s been blocked for a long time. I felt a build up of uncried cries in my throat during our last meditation session then a ton of tears poured out. The lump in my throat is barely noticeable after lots of years feeling it.”
“During a team meditation led by the talented Sara Krish, I am blessed to have had an unexpected experience that ended up being beautifully enlightening!! Sara is extremely gifted—I believe what she does is a form of artful intuition, passion, talent, and skill that is rare and special. In only a 30-minute session, I experienced a level of enlightenment that I did not know was possible. It was absolutely beautiful. I saw myself sitting on a tree stump with my roots extending deeper and deeper through beautifully rich soil to the center of the earth. And then Sara took me above ground as my branches extended up into the sky, going far beyond the earth. Stars surrounded me as I gazed back at our breathtakingly beautiful blue and green planet that we all call ‘home’. I realized in that moment that my power and love extend out into the universe, and at the same time, I am rooted in our lovely planet. Tears streamed uncontrollably down my face. I have never experienced anything like that before, and I will forever be grateful to Sara for showing me something I didn’t know existed. The work that I do is about regenerating the earth. It’s about bringing awareness to our current global society that mimicking nature is the only way to regenerate ourselves and, at the same time, the earth. I am extremely passionate about this work, and to have this insanely powerful experience of deep-rootedness and connection combined with expansion and love has been a truly amazing gift and has only strengthened my resolve and my revolutionary spirit. Thank you, Sara, for taking me through such a lovely and deeply meaningful journey!!”